◈Basic Quick Check service◈
With a minimum cost, we quickly check
the other's company validation, address,
CEO's name, web-site history, financial
statement in 1 day service.
This will be enough to decide whether to
initiate your meeting with them or not.
◈Investigation & Background check◈
Sometimes you face a difficulty of business
due to the time-zone difference, cultural
difference, and distance constraint.
We will check the background of your
Korean counterpart, check their legal
status, financial report, and real on-field
reputation and credit to avoid any mistakes.
- Full financial report the company
- Company's real credibility research
- Company's major clients and shareholders
- Legal status of the company and owner
- Website validation, history, credibility
- Report of all company-related news&articles
- On-field photos and any requested research
◈Action to reimburse your damages◈
From the fraud to the breach of contract,
we find the best solution to recover your
damages through our wide legal partners,
lawyers, police, tax bureau, government
entity like Fair Trade Commission.
With minimum cost for the start of work,
then we claim the certain percentage of
success fee basis.
Please inquire us more about the exclusive
distributorship and importation to your
company and your country.